Thursday, December 16, 2010


There is a ladder in my dining room. There is a can of primer near the door. There are paint samples painted on the wall. At a guess, we are painting.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good Lord

Having been to Home Depot, Beth and I went to Target. Of all the soul sucking demon stores, Target is the one I tolerate the best. You might even say I like it a bit. Then 10 minutes passes, I look up and hate it,and have to leave as soon as possible.  I start hearing conversations gliding past, the lament of the lost, heading towards bargains. Price? One soul and all your dreams.
Then I saw it. In Target, right now, in the DVD section, they are selling The Human Centipede. This is one of the grossest horror films ever made. Right across from it? The Disney section.  A guileless parent is going to buy little Johnny what he believes is the new Disney straight to DVD. If this puppy gets put on, Xmas is over.
Oh Target, I knew there was a reason I liked you.

Monday, December 13, 2010


On Friday I did an improv gig then went to Emily's birthday do at the Tip top. Yesterday Beth and I went to an Ex pats Xmas do, then onto our friend Tammy's graduation party. Last night I realised I felt completely relaxed. Thanks very much to all of you for that. Turns out knocking around with people I really like was exactly what was needed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


i try never to get my hopes up when a potential treatment / cure for MS comes up. Usually its bollocks, like injecting yourself with bee venom. I read one on BBC News today that actually gave me hope. Its a study that has found repairing the damage to the myelin sheath, which stops the nerves from shorting out. After 20 years odd of this, that would be lovely. I could do with the break. I'd like to be freaked out for  feeling normal.
I wish I were braver.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thanksgiving  down in Illinois. Great food, great people, cold as a witches tit. The witch has flown towards columbus, as opening the door always features the person who did it standing for a few seconds, muttering, "fucks sake'" as the body adjusts. Midwest weather, bless. It'll drown you, bake you, freeze you or if its a really bad mood, take you flying.